Welcome – About Me
Welcome to the shop! My name is Tim Brown and I run The Wireless Woodworker.com. I’ve been meaning to start a hand tool woodworking focused website for a little while now and finally got everything sorted recently.
Who am I?
My About page has a little background information about me, but I’ll elaborate a little more here. I live with my wife and young daughter on the outskirts of Wilmington, DE. We’re a very happy, active family and have fun getting into all sorts of endeavors. These typically revolve around excursions related to walking, running, biking, hiking, slacklining, or some such activity together.
I’ve always been a tinkerer, taking apart all sorts of things when I was younger and building models and various other things. My dad was always a handy guy, so my love of building things probably came about watching him take on various DIY projects. I remember helping him make a couple of decks for the house, along with a tree house for me and my sister. As I got a little older I started building things myself, the most common of which were probably speaker boxes for my cars and friend’s cars, along with utilitarian furniture, and a few lizard habitats. I was constantly building things to feed my other hobbies/interests and it really wasn’t until I had a full blown workshop in the garage that I realized my actual hobby was woodworking.
Once that realization dawned on me I started focusing on the actual woodworking process and improving my skills. Somewhere along the way I started making the shift towards hand tools and have never really looked back. Realizing that the process of making was what I enjoy the most was important. I very much enjoy setting up my tools to suit the project, sharpening blades, and figuring out how to do things with just hand tools. I’m typically in no hurry to get a project done (there are obviously exceptions to this), so don’t mind the extra time it may take to rip a board by hand, or 4 square a piece when it isn’t entirely needed. A lot of people may not enjoy these exercises, but I find them calming and a bit therapeutic. ‘Modern hand tool woodworking’ may be a bit of an oxymoron, but I’m without a doubt a modern guy and working with hand tools can be a nice reminder in a hectic, high-tech, fast paced life to slow down and enjoy the journey.
What is The Wireless Woodworker?
My aim for the site is to share my passion for hand tool woodworking, while hopefully learning new techniques and improving current ones. I’m optimistic that this will help teach others the craft or at least attract individuals who can give me pointers and suggestions.
Woodworking is not my day job, so I can’t promise a regular update schedule, but my hope is for a couple of posts per week. Eventually I’d like to get into some video content (hence the video link above), but this won’t be for a little while at least. I may even offer some downloadable plans at some point as well.
To wrap everything up, I’m thrilled that you’re here and I’m excited to get started! I’m always happy to hear from other woodworkers, so please do get in contact with me. Happy shavings!